Pictures of totally rad mountain, road and commuter bikes.
Little to no bullshit.

Friday, June 7, 2013

2013 Ritchey Road Logic steel frame + carbon fiber wheels

Here's a sick combo. Take a 2013 Ritchey Road Logic steel frame and throw on a high-end groupo and carbon wheelset. Result? Infinite steez.

Props to gsxrawd @

Thursday, June 6, 2013

'89 Specialized Rockhopper Comp on commuter duty

If you don't love the paint job on this vintage steel Specialized steed, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems but a lack of aesthetic appreciation isn't one.

Credits to saltwater taco @

Evil Sovereign

Some awesome custom builds utilizing this steel all-mountain frame.

Pics from the Evil Sovereign thread @

Welcome to my new blog!

I wanted to create a blog dedicated solely to posting pictures of rad bikes. Sure I'll toss in a few sentences occasionally, but the focus is simply to post awesome bikes of the mountain, road, and commuter variety.

To start things off, I want to pay homage to the bicycle that revolutionized bicycles: the Rover Safety Bicycle.  It came out in 1885 and became the template for all bikes that followed it.

Also, shoutout to Penny-Farthings. These preceded the Rover Safety Bicycle and were quite impractical. But they were badass nonetheless, and were also rumored to be giant pussy magnets.